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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week Five Prompt

“Ebook only books, which are increasingly popular (especially in the romance genre) see little to no reviews in professional publications unless they have a big name author, and then still it's usually only RT Reviews (formally Romantic Times) or other genre heavy publications. How does this affect collection development?”
            The trend with e-books becoming very popular with little to no views will encourage librarians to disregard reviews when collecting e-books for a library’s electronic collection of books. The trend may also confuse librarians that rely on the utilization of professional reviews to include titles within a library’s collection; the librarians may accidently miss excellently written or popular e-books and may not incorporate those e-books into the library’s electronic collection of items.
            The trend also depicts a disregard for professional reviews among users. So, librarians may also be encouraged to disregard professional reviews if they feel that readers only desire to read a book due to popular demand and not due to critical analysis. Because of this, some librarians may select books for the library collection that have not been professionally reviewed in order to make the collection more appealing to ordinary readers.  
“I have posted two more documents in the week five files. One is two reviews of an ebook only romantic suspense novel, one from a blog and one from amazon. Look over the reviews - do you feel they are both reliable? How likely would you be to buy this book for your library?”
            In terms of reviewing an actual item, I believe that both of the reviews are reliable, since both of the reviewers became emotionally involved in describing the content of the book (Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx, n.d, n.p.). However, the reviews are not professionally written, and they do not identify distinct qualities of the book (Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx, n.d, n.p.). The reviews provide a brief summary or describe key moments from the book, which is not beneficial towards understanding what distinct aspects that the book exhibits or what specific genre the book is (Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx, n.d, n.p.). In that sense, the reviews are not very reliable for librarians to use to determine if an item is worth purchasing for a library’s collection.              It is highly unlikely that I would buy the book due to the poor quality of the reviews and the lack of content described in those reviews. Reviews need to be professionally constructed and descriptive in order be an adequate guideline for purchasing materials for a library’s collection. The two examples that were provided poorly addressed the content of the books and did not identify a great number of specific qualities of the books (Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx, n.d, n.p.). So, I would not buy the book due to the information that is presented in the reviews, since the book could end up to be quite boring and unsatisfying for users to read.
“The other document contains some reviews of Angela's Ashes, by Frank McCourt, an incredibly popular memoir. These reviews are all from professional publications, feel free to find more on your own I just nabbed a few from the Book Review Digest database for you. How do these reviews make you feel about the possibility of adding Angela's Ashes to your collection?”
            These reviews strongly encourage me to add a copy of Angela’s Ashes to my library collection. The reviews are from websites that display professionally written reviews on books; these websites include: the Kirkus Review website, the Library Journal Review website, the Booklist Review website, and the School Library Journal Review website (Angela Ashes Reviews.docx, n.d., n.p.). All of the reviews are descriptive and depict the most relevant qualities from Angela’s Ashes (Angela Ashes Reviews.docx, n.d., n.p.). The reviews are also bold enough to describe the negative qualities of Angela’s Ashes, and they reveal how the author of Angela’s Ashes depicts the darker qualities of the novel, such as sickness and poverty (Angela Ashes Reviews.docx, n.d., n.p.). This is a positive aspect, since the reviews are being honest and are informing readers of the content in Angela’s Ashes (Angela Ashes Reviews.docx, n.d., n.p.). So, I feel that the reviews are highly reliable, and I believe that the reviews’ claims about the content of Angela’s Ashes to be accurate. Therefore, I will include Angela’s Ashes in a library collection based on this information.
“Do you think it's fair that one type of book is reviewed to death and other types of books get little to no coverage?”
            I don’t believe that it’s fair that books that are reviewed to death have been better marketed to the public in some fashion. For instance, the books could have a sudden surge in popularity due to a viral trend of recognition on the internet or have been supported with a great deal of funding towards marketing the books. In other words, books are reviewed to death because of the high degree of accessibility and persuasive rhetoric. Also, because of this principle of great accessibility or recognition, some novels with excellent plots are snubbed in favor of publications that were adequately marketed. In addition, this is not fair that some books are extensively reviewed, since individuals will likely gain a false impression of these books from the wide range of opinions from professional reviewers. In reality, a person reading a plot is the one who decides if a book is a worthwhile read or not; the quality of a book in one’s mind does not depend on the opinions of professional critics.
“How does this affect a library's collection?”
            A library’s collection is greatly impacted by the action of extensively reviewing some books while ignoring other books. Librarians will more likely select books that have been frequently reviewed by both professionals and ordinary individuals for their collection, since the librarians may believe that the books are popular or exhibit a high quality of writing. So, a library’s collection will contain less titles that are obscure or not known by a great percentage of the public community, since those novels will not have received many reviews from critics and regular individuals. The library collection may also exhibit less titles of high quality from obscure or relatively unknown titles, which would diminish the library collection’s overall level of quality and diversity.  
“And how do you feel about review sources that won't print negative content?”
            I feel that review sources should be critical of the positive and negative aspects of a book. Fictional books aren’t perfect, and it’s beneficial to analyze the separate values of the elements of books. Also, individual persons have different feelings about books. Some people may immensely enjoy a book while others despise it. In the end, a book is just a book. One should read it for the experience. Reviews are present to inform an audience what is the most common or most likely response about certain elements of a book, and the reviews also identify traits that the book exhibits. However, an individual is responsible for his own enjoyment of a novel.
“Do you think that's appropriate?”
            I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for review sources to not print out negative content. I think that it’s a bit lazy that review sources won’t print out negative content in order to be more appealing to readers. I strongly feel that review sources should be considerate of the negative aspects of books to reveal the books’ weaknesses to readers and to allow readers to compare the books to other novels. I also think that it isn’t appropriate for reviews to avoid mentioning the negative content because writing about the negative content in the books may warn readers if there is something that they dislike or despise in the reviewed books.
“If you buy for your library, how often do you use reviews to make your decisions?”
            I do not purchase items for my library, which is the Allen County Public Library. So, this question does not apply to me.
“If not, how do you feel about reviews for personal reading, and what are some of your favorite review sources?”
            I personally feel that reviews for personal reading are quite beneficial towards making a decision to select certain titles for reading. However, I believe that I should determine if a book is excellent by reading it on my own. I also think that it’s often unnecessary to rely on reviews, since they can’t judge if a person will actually enjoy any of the components of a novel.
            Some of my favorite review sources are the Goodreads website, which exhibits reviews for novels, and Amazon’s website, which contains the reviews for books. I appreciate how the Goodreads website lists casual reviews from users (Goodreads Inc, 2018, n.p.). These users write extensively and in an informative manner, so I can comprehend the content of the users’ reviews in a sufficient manner (Goodreads Inc, 2018, n.p.). Because I can understand the reviews to an adequate degree, I can make decent choices towards the selection of specific novels. In addition, I favor how Amazon’s website lists user reviews for books (, 2018, n.p.). While I feel that more reviews on the Amazon website are unreliable and biased than the Goodreads website, I still find the reviews to be a great source of information towards discovering a worthwhile novel to read (, 2018, n.p.). Also, I will utilize the Wikipedia website for collecting short snippets of critics’ thoughts towards certain books, although the Wikipedia website is probably not considered an official website for review sources (Wikipedia, n.d, n.p.). However, I primarily don’t use other sources for books besides the Goodreads website, the Amazon website, and the Wikipedia website. These websites typically satisfy my need for knowledge about the content of books, so I don’t usually look for other review sources or websites.
References and Resources Used: (2018). To Reign in Hell: A Novel. Retrieved from
Angela Ashes Reviews.docx. (n.d.). Angela Ashes Reviews.docx [PDF file]. Retrieved from
Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx. (n.d). Ebook Only Romantic Suspense Novel.docx
Goodreads Inc. (2018). Bloodline (Star Wars Disney Canon Novel). Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (n.d). Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Excellent prompt response! You did a wonderful job responding to each of the questions and using resources and intuition to answer them. Full points!
